November Year End Closing Circular to Parents

Fri, 14 Nov 2014

To                                        : All Parents of Lodge Group of Schools

Date:                                   :Friday, 14 November, 2014

Subject                                : End of Year Closing and Preparation for School Year 2015

Circular Number               :16/DIR/14


1.      Introduction:

The school session close for the year-end holiday starting on 21st November. However Form 5 students are still taking their examination until November 27 2014. The last paper for our students will be Ekonomi Asas. On behalf of all staff, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all parents for supporting us to carry out the academic, co-curriculum and other education activities for the whole year.


2.      Prize Giving 2014

The prize giving ceremony will run concurrently in National and International School Hall. We encouraged all students in National Primary Schools, Secondary Form1, Form 2 and Form 4 to attend this ceremony. Prizes recipients MUST turn up for this ceremony. We encourage parents of prize recipients to join us too. This will enable us to honour students and their parents who have worked hard in order to ensure their children got their best results. Students are to assemble in the hall before 7:30 am on 21st November 2014. Rehearsal for the event will be held on 20 November 2014 for both Primary and Secondary students in the hall.


3.      Year End Closing of Schools

The school office will be closed for the end of year holiday starting 15 December 2014(Monday) until 28 December 2014 (Sunday). Most of the administrative staff will be on leave during that period. Parents are advised to come before or after the holiday period for official dealing with the school. However, 22nd December 2014 will be an exception as PT3 results will be announced during that day.

 4.      School Term 2015 ( As published by Ministry of Education , Malaysia)



Session Starts

Session Ends

No. of weeks

One (Session1)



10 weeks

(Mid Term Break 1)



1 week





10 weeks

Mid Year Break



2 weeks


(Session 1)



14 weeks

Mid Term Break 2)



1 week


(Session 2)



8 weeks

Replacement Day Week



For additional Festive holiday taken

End of Year Holiday



6 weeks


5.      School Security


a.      To ensure better monitoring of our students moving out of school during school hours, we will be using a new card system for students going out of school before the normal dismissal time. We would like parents to ensure that movement in and out of school is closely monitored. It will be implemented for all students starting with the academic year 2015.

b.      Parents wishing to take children out for lunch during lunch hour will need to apply for Lunch Hour Card from the school security post.


6.      Green and Clean Environment

The school is embarking on making sure that everyone using the school premises keeps to the Green policy adopted by the school. Every effort must be make to ensure that the following steps are taken to make our environment clean.

·        Do switch off car engine when you need to remain stationery in the school compound for more than 5 minutes.

·        Remind each other that they are enough rubbish bins or rubbish bags placed at strategic location. As such throwing rubbish any how is not an accepted habit in schools.

·        All lodgians shall subscribe to the 5S principles (Sort, Straighten, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain). Our slogan for 5S practice is “A place for everything and everything in its place”. Therefore waste papers, used tissue papers and any other form of debris strewn in school compound are not in line with our slogan.


7.      Extra and Co-curricular Activities 2015

School Sport Day

1. Lodge School Annual Sport Day are scheduled on the 8th February 2015 at Mini Stadium SMK Tabuan Jaya.

2. House Meeting for all students of Lodge National Secondary School on 6th January 2015 from 1:00-2:20pm. Venues as follows:

    Red House                       : School Hall

    Blue House                      : National Secondary Library

    Yellow House   : School Canteen

   For Primary National School the house meeting will be from 1:30pm – 2:30pm.Venue will 

   be announced later at primary school when school reopens for 2015.

Clubs and Uniform Bodies for Lodge National Secondary School

a) There will be a briefing for co-curriculum activities at School Hall on 6th January 2015 from 

    2:30pm-3:50pm. All secondary students are compulsory to attend.

b) Membership Fees for Uniform Bodies and International Award Programme.

(i)                It is compulsory for all students to participate in one uniform body. The registration of any uniform body is based on numbers of vacancies available.  All students are required to pay membership fees of RM30 excluding uniforms for all uniform bodies except for Scouts.

(ii)              Participants for Bronze, Silver and Gold Duke of Edinburgh International Award are required to pay RM50 including shirt and operation cost.

(iii)             All students are compulsory to wear their various uniform body attires every Tuesday starting from 13th January 2015. All Form 1 and new students will be given time to order their official uniform body attires until 10th February 2015. During the waiting time they are required to wear their PE attires.

Games/Service/Academic/Religious Clubs Registratio

1. Registrations for all clubs starting from 6th January 2015. All students please refer to the details and registrations at the notice board beside the school hall.

2. All clubs meetings will start from 12th January 2015.

8.      School Uniforms and Sports Attire

a.      We would like to seek co-operation from parents to ensure that school uniforms, including socks and shoes are given due attention as part of our effort to build good character. Rule 3.4 on general appearance of students (available in student’s diary) can be used as a guide line to prepare our students for 2015.  Students are encouraged to use proper sports attire for Physical Education classes as well as sport activities in school.

b.      School jacket is specially designed for all students. Any other form of jacket is not in line with uniform code of the school. Student who needs to use jacket during class time, please buy school jacket from school administrative office.


9.      Textbooks/Workbooks For 2015

Textbooks and workbooks ordered by the students will be distributed on the first day of school. Payment for the books is to be made on or before 31 March 2015 together with your child’s 2nd Term fees.


10.   Payment of School Fees and Miscellaneous Fees

Parents are kindly requested to pay all fees on or before the following dates in our Administration Office.

1st Term               30.1.2015

2nd Term              30.3.2015

3rd Term               30.6.2015

4th Term               30.9.2015


11.   On behalf of all staff, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all parents and the community for all the support given to the group of schools. I wish to inform all parents that Mr. Rijeng ak Jahet has retired from the post of Director as from 1 November 2014. We wish him best of health and a happy second retirement.

12.   For all students who are still doing their examination, take good care of your health and put in your best effort for excellent result. 

13.   Wishing all parents, staff and students A Blessed Christmas and Happy New Year.






Lodge Group of Schools