Parent-Teacher Day 2015 -Lodge Group of Schools

Sat, 20 Jun 2015

Dear Parents,

Re:  Parent-Teacher Day for All Classes in Lodge Group of Schools- (Saturday) 4th July 2015

Lodge Group of Schools has been conducting Teacher-Parent Interviews for students having challenges in their studies. These sessions have helped the school to know these students better and to work out strategies to help them. The Executive Board Meeting on 8th January 2015 has decided that a Parent-Teacher Day will be implemented this year. 4th July 2015(Saturday) had been scheduled for this year Parent-Teacher Day in all our schools. This is a platform for parents and teachers to dialogue.

2.            Student Progress Reports will be issued by all Class Teachers to parents on that day. Parents and Class Teachers will have the opportunity to discuss matters pertaining to better attainment of studies during the interview. A short briefing will be given by the respective Headmasters of Schools pertaining to latest development in education policies. This briefing will take place in the School Hall or any other rooms designated by each school. It will starts at 8:15 a.m. in the morning. The Parent-Teacher Interview Session starts at 9:00 a.m. in the respective classrooms of each school thereafter.

3.            We will be grateful if you could confirm your presence by returning the acknowledgement slip below before 22nd June 2015.

               Thank you very much for the co-operation.


(Thomas Huo Kok Sen)


Lodge Group of Schools





I, ____________________________________________________Father/Mother/Guardian of ________________________________________, Class (          ) in Lodge Group of Schools will attend/ will not attend the Parents-Teacher Day on 4th July 2015.


(..............................................)                                                                                          Date:

Signature of Father/Mother/Guardian